Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Increase number of objects seen in SCSM SharePoint portal query result prompt

Connect to your SharePoint portal server and open inetmgr.

Navigate to Sites - SCSMWebContentServer - ServiceHost

Double click Application Settings. From Actions select add and add the following value.

Name: MaximuminstanceCount

Value: 5000


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

When was your server rebooted last

Use this command in windows cmd to get the last time your server booted up or was rebooted.
C:\>systeminfo | findstr /i boot
System Boot Time: 10/5/2016, 1:13:08 PM
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume2
As to who rebooted it ;). You can search the system event log for events with id 1074.

Put Scom Agents and Cluster Servers in Maintenance mode and reboot

Here is a script to put your scom agents including clusters in maintenance mode and rebooting them at a specified time. First you will have to create a task and a management pack in SCOM for rebooting the servers. Link on how to create the management pack is here. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh563486%28v=sc.12%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396.
Works on System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2.

Create the input files and output files on the locations that you prefer. I have created them in C:\Reboots folder. Add your server names in the input file. Then the script given below can be put in a scheduled task and run at specified times or on demand. You can also run the script manually. Make sure that you modify the maintenance window.

I have not yet added any code to verify and alert if the rebooted servers are not back up.

Will probably do so at a later time. Till then feel free to use this one and modify any way that you like.

#################Script Start ####################################

$RootMS = "RMSName"
$Minutes =  90
$Comment = "Unknown"
#Setting up SCOM connection

Import-Module OperationsManager
$null = New-ScomManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $RootMS
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$eventLog = New-Object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Operations Manager")
$eventLog.Source = "Maintenance Mode"

$Servers = GC "C:\Reboots\input.txt"
Function Out($output)
Out-File -Filepath "C:\Reboots\output.txt" -InputObject $output -Append

Out "###############  Starting Script at $(Get-Date)  ##########################"
foreach($Server in $Servers)

$output = "Starting for $Server on $(Get-date)"
Out $output

###Putting the agent and cluster in maintenance mode###########
$agent = Get-ScomAgent | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq $Server -or $_.ComputerName -eq $Server -or $_.PrincipalName -eq $Server }
if(!$agent) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is not a monitored system in SCOM." -ForeGroundColor Red; Set-Location $originalPath; return }
$Server = $agent.PrincipalName
$startTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$endTime = $startTime.AddMinutes($Minutes)
if(($clusters = $agent.GetRemotelyManagedComputers())) {
$clusterNodeClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Node
foreach($cluster in $clusters) {
#$clusterObj = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cluster | Get-ScomMonitoringObject -Criteria "Name='$($cluster.ComputerName)'"
$clusterobj = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cluster | Get-SCOMClassInstance | ?{$_.displayname -eq $cluster.ComputerName}
if($clusterObj) {
$nodes = $clusterObj.GetRelatedMonitoringObjects($clusterNodeClass)
if($nodes) {
foreach($node in $nodes) {
Out "Putting $node into maintenance mode."
$eventLog.MachineName = $node.Name
$eventLog.WriteEntry("The server entered into maintenance mode $(if($Server -notcontains $node.Name){"on behalf of $Server"}).`r`n`r`nDuration:`t$Minutes minutes`r`nReason:`t$Comment","Information",42)
Out "Putting $($cluster.Computer) into maintenance mode."
New-MaintenanceWindow -StartTime $startTime -EndTime $endTime -MonitoringObject $cluster.Computer -Reason PlannedOther -Comment $Comment
else {
Out "Putting $Server into maintenance mode."
$eventLog.WriteEntry("The server entered into maintenance mode.`r`n`r`nDuration:`t$Minutes minutes`r`nReason:`t$Comment","Information",42)
New-MaintenanceWindow -StartTime $startTime -EndTime $endTime -MonitoringObject $agent.HostComputer -Reason PlannedOther -Comment $Comment
#####Sending commands to the server###########

$Task = Get-SCOMTask -DisplayName "Reboot Computer"
$Overrides = @{Arguments = '"$Target/Property[Type="MicrosoftWindowsLibrary7585010!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/PrincipalName$" "true"'}
$Instance = Get-SCOMClassInstance | ?{$_.Name -eq $agent.name}
Out "Starting task to reboot $($Instance.Displayname) at $(Get-Date)"
Start-SCOMTask -Task $Task -Override $Overrides -Instance $Instance


Out "###############  Script Complete at $(Get-Date) #########################"

#################Script End ####################################

I don't take credit for all the scripts that I written. Whenever I can credit the original creators, I do.  If I don't at times please do inform me so that I can include them in the page.