Monday, January 5, 2015

Export all rules and monitors with thresholds

Exporting all rules and monitors with thresholds in your SCOM environment.

I found these on the following link

[code language="css"]
##Export all rules

function GetPerfCounterName ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
return ($config.Config.ObjectName + "\" + $config.Config.CounterName)

function GetFrequency ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$frequency = $config.Config.Frequency;

if($frequency -eq $null)
$frequency = $config.Config.IntervalSeconds;

return ($frequency)

function GetDisplayName($performanceRule)
if($performanceRule.DisplayName -eq $null)
return ($performanceRule.Name);
return ($performanceRule.DisplayName);

function GetWriteActionNames($performanceRule)
$writeActions = "";
foreach($writeAction in $performanceRule.WriteActionCollection)
$writeActions += " " + $writeAction.Name;
return ($writeActions);

$perf_collection_rules = get-SCOMRule # -criteria:"Category='PerformanceCollection'"

$perf_collection_rules | select-object @{name="Type";expression={foreach-object {(Get-MonitoringClass -id:$_.Target.Id).DisplayName}}},@{name="RuleDisplayName";expression={foreach-object {GetDisplayName $_}}} ,@{name="CounterName";expression={foreach-object {GetPerfCounterName $_.DataSourceCollection[0].Configuration}}},@{name="Frequency";expression={foreach-object {GetFrequency $_.DataSourceCollection[0].Configuration}}},@{name="WriteActions";expression={foreach-object {GetWriteActionNames $_}}}  | sort Type,RuleDisplayName,CounterName | export-csv  "C:\Outputs\CollectionRules.csv"


[code language="css"]

## Export all monitors

function GetThreshold ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$threshold = $config.Config.Threshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
$threshold = $config.Config.MemoryThreshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
$threshold = $config.Config.CPUPercentageThreshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.Threshold1 -ne $null -and $config.Config.Threshold2 -ne $null)
$threshold = "first threshold is: " + $config.Config.Threshold1 + " second threshold is: " + $config.Config.Threshold2
if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.ThresholdWarnSec -ne $null -and $config.Config.ThresholdErrorSec -ne $null)
$threshold = "warning threshold is: " + $config.Config.ThresholdWarnSec + " error threshold is: " + $config.Config.ThresholdErrorSec

if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.LearningAndBaseliningSettings -ne $null)
$threshold = "no threshold (baseline monitor)"
return $threshold
Function GetFrequency ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$Frequency = $config.Config.Frequency
if($Frequency -eq $null)
$frequency = $config.Config.Frequency;
return ($frequency)
Function GetNumsamples ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$Samples = $config.Config.Samples
if($Samples -eq $null)
$Samples = $config.Config.NumSamples;
return ($Samples)
Function GetCounterName ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$Counter = $config.Config.Counter
if($Counter -eq $null)
$Counter = $config.Config.CounterName;
return ($Counter)
Function GetObject ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$Object = $config.Config.Object
if($Object -eq $null)
$Object = $config.Config.ObjectName;
return ($Object)
$perfMonitors = get-scommonitor
$perfMonitors | select-object @{Name="MP";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().DisplayName }}},@{name="Target";expression={foreach-object {(Get-SCOMClass -Id:$_.Target.Id).DisplayName}}},DisplayName,enabled,@{name="Threshold";expression={foreach-object {GetThreshold $_.Configuration}}}, @{name="Frequency";expression={foreach-object {GetFrequency $_.Configuration}}}, @{name="Samples";expression={foreach-object {GetNumSamples $_.Configuration}}}, @{name="Counter";expression={foreach-object {GetCounterName $_.Configuration}}}, @{name="Object";expression={foreach-object {GetObject $_.Configuration}}} | sort Target, DisplayName | export-csv "C:\Outputs\PerformanceMonitors.csv"


Connecting to SCOM 2012 using powershell

Use the below snippet to connect to your OpsMgr powershell using Windows Powershell ISE.
There after you can use the cmdlets present in SCOM 2012 freely

## Common script for connecting to SCOM 2012 Management Server
$reg = Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Agent Management Groups\SCOM2012PROD\Parent Health Services"
$RMS = $reg.GetValue("NetworkName")
Import-Module -Name OperationsManager
New-SCmanagementGroupConnection $RMS | Out-Null
Write-Host $RMS -foregroundcolor Red

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In organizations where you have multiple management groups. And have production environments which need SCOM to be working all the time. Its advisable to have two action accounts in the SCOM environment. When one account's password is near expiry you can switch to another account and change your healthservice to run from that account.
Its a big task to rotate the action accounts on all management groups and this is where my script comes handy. It helps change the default action account on SCOM 2012 and also changes the Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account. The script files are below.
Change the extension to .ps1 after downloading. The usage is given at the top of the scripts.

