Reset lost password on Ubuntu Server.
# Set script parameters from runbook data bus and Orchestrator global variables
# Define any inputs here and then add to the $argsArray and script block parameters below
$DataBusInput1 = "{Parameter 1 from Initialize Data}"
$DataBusInput2 = "{Global Variable 1}"
## Initialize result and trace variables
# $ResultStatus provides basic success/failed indicator
# $ErrorMessage captures any error text generated by script
# $Trace is used to record a running log of actions
$ResultStatus = ""
$ErrorMessage = ""
$Trace = (Get-Date).ToString() + "`t" + "Runbook activity script started" + " `r`n"
# Create argument array for passing data bus inputs to the external script session
$argsArray = @()
$argsArray += $DataBusInput1
$argsArray += $DataBusInput2
# Establish an external session (to localhost) to ensure 64bit PowerShell runtime using the latest version of PowerShell installed on the runbook server
# Use this session to perform all work to ensure latest PowerShell features and behavior available
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
# Invoke-Command used to start the script in the external session. Variables returned by script are then stored in the $ReturnArray variable
$ReturnArray = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -Argumentlist $argsArray -ScriptBlock {
# Define a parameter to accept each data bus input value. Recommend matching names of parameters and data bus input variables above
# Define function to add entry to trace log variable
function AppendLog ([string]$Message)
$script:CurrentAction = $Message
$script:TraceLog += ((Get-Date).ToString() + "`t" + $Message + " `r`n")
# Set external session trace and status variables to defaults
$ResultStatus = ""
$ErrorMessage = ""
$script:CurrentAction = ""
$script:TraceLog = ""
# Add startup details to trace log
AppendLog "Script now executing in external PowerShell version [$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())] session in a [$([IntPtr]::Size * 8)] bit process"
AppendLog "Running as user [$([Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([Environment]::UserName)] on host [$($env:COMPUTERNAME)]"
AppendLog "Parameter values received: DataBusInput1=[$DataBusInput1]; DataBusInput2=[$DataBusInput2]"
# The actual work the script does goes here
AppendLog "Doing first action"
# Do-Stuff -Value $DataBusInput1
AppendLog "Doing second action"
# Do-MoreStuff -Value $DataBusInput2
# Simulate a possible error
if($DataBusInput1 -ilike "*bad stuff*")
throw "ERROR: Encountered bad stuff in the parameter input"
# Example of custom result value
$myCustomVariable = "Something I want to publish back to the runbook data bus"
# Validate results and set return status
AppendLog "Finished work, determining result"
$EverythingWorked = $true
if($EverythingWorked -eq $true)
$ResultStatus = "Success"
$ResultStatus = "Failed"
# Catch any errors thrown above here, setting the result status and recording the error message to return to the activity for data bus publishing
$ResultStatus = "Failed"
$ErrorMessage = $error[0].Exception.Message
AppendLog "Exception caught during action [$script:CurrentAction]: $ErrorMessage"
# Always do whatever is in the finally block. In this case, adding some additional detail about the outcome to the trace log for return
if($ErrorMessage.Length -gt 0)
AppendLog "Exiting external session with result [$ResultStatus] and error message [$ErrorMessage]"
AppendLog "Exiting external session with result [$ResultStatus]"
# Return an array of the results. Additional variables like "myCustomVariable" can be returned by adding them onto the array
$resultArray = @()
$resultArray += $ResultStatus
$resultArray += $ErrorMessage
$resultArray += $script:TraceLog
$resultArray += $myCustomVariable
return $resultArray
}#End Invoke-Command
# Get the values returned from script session for publishing to data bus
$ResultStatus = $ReturnArray[0]
$ErrorMessage = $ReturnArray[1]
$Trace += $ReturnArray[2]
$MyCustomVariable = $ReturnArray[3]
# Record end of activity script process
$Trace += (Get-Date).ToString() + "`t" + "Script finished" + " `r`n"
# Close the external session
Remove-PSSession $Session