Showing posts with label Powershell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powershell. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Scom Maintenance mode scheduler

#SCOM Maintenance mode scheduler. The assemblies can be found in this folder on your management servers  C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager\Server\SDK Binaries
$scriptdir = Get-location
$ScriptDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$void = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(“$scriptdir\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll”)
$void3 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(“$scriptdir\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Runtime.dll”)
$void1 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(“$scriptdir\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll”)
$server = “testsql”
$RootMS = “testdc01”
$Minutes =  60
$Comment = “Scheduled Maintenance Request”
$MGConnSetting = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroupConnectionSettings($RootMS)
$MG = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($MGConnSetting)
$Admin = $MG.GetAdministration()
$Agents = $admin.GetAllAgentManagedComputers()
$agent = $Agents | ?{$_.Computername -match $server}
$monitoring =$MG.Monitoring
$AllClasses = $MG.GetMonitoringClasses()
$MyClass = $AllClasses | ?{$ -eq “Microsoft.Windows.Computer”}
$Objects = $Mg.GetMonitoringObjects($Myclass)
$Object = $Objects | ?{$ -match $server}
$startTime = [Datetime]’12/21/2016 04:26:00′
$StartTimeUTC = $startTime.ToUniversalTime()
$EndTime = $startTimeUTC.AddMinutes(’10’)

How to create a SCOM discovery override using powershell

This is script that can be used to create a scom discovery override using powershell.

## Usage:
## Check the overridable paramters for your discoveries first and then change the parameter you would like to set in $override.Parameter. The format of the parameter may be like
## Selector          : $Config/PeriodInSeconds$. You should only add the "PeriodInSeconds" part
#$disc = Get-SCOMDiscovery -DisplayName "Windows Internet Information Services Web Applications 76-100 Discovery Rule"
## $discovery.GetOverrideableParameters()

Import-module operationsmanager
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName MyRMS
$mps = Get-SCOMManagementPack |?{$ -match "Microsoft.Windows.InternetInformationServices.2003"}
$overridemp = Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name "IIS.Management.Pack.Discovery.Overrides"
$discoveries = Get-SCOMDiscovery -ManagementPack $mps

foreach($discovery in $discoveries)
if($discovery.Enabled -ne "false")

$override = $null
$overridemp = Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name "IIS.Management.Pack.Discovery.Overrides"
$Target= Get-SCOMClass -id $discovery.Target.Id

$overridename = $ + ".Override"
$override = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackDiscoveryConfigurationOverride($overridemp,$overridename)
$override.Discovery = $discovery
$override.Module = $discovery.DataSource
$override.Parameter = "PeriodInSeconds"
$override.value = 86400
$override.DisplayName = $overridename
$override.Context = $Target


$overridemp.Verify() ## This may fail sometimes with a validation error on 2012 R2. So just remove this line and check if your mp imports.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Change authentication account in NTLM Webapplication

#Usage:.Change-NTLMAccount -rms "" -currentaccount 'curracct' -newAccount 'newacct'

param([string] $rms,$currentAccount,$newAccount)

function DisplayUpdate ($str, $color = "white") {
$now = [DateTime]::Now

Write-Host "[$now]" -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline
Write-Host " $str`r" -ForegroundColor $color

$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$managementGroupRmsName = $rms
$newActionAccountName = $newAccount
#Load Dll's
Displayupdate "Loading SDK dll's"
$void1 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$scriptPathMicrosoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll")
if(!$void1) {Displayupdate "DLL's not found..exiting..." "red";break;}
$void2 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$scriptPathMicrosoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll")
if(!$void2) {Displayupdate "DLL's not found..exiting..." "red";break;}
$void3 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$scriptPathMicrosoft.EnterpriseManagement.Runtime.dll")
if(!$void3) {Displayupdate "DLL's not found..exiting..." "red";break;}
$mg = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($managementGroupRmsName)
Displayupdate "connected to MG:$"
Displayupdate "Getting mps.."
$mps = $mg.getmanagementpacks() | where{$ -match "NTLM"}
if($mps.count -gt 0 ) {
$count = $mps.count
Displayupdate "[$count] number of mp's found" "yellow"
$healthServices = dir -R | where {$_.UniquePathName -like "Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService*"}
$Srs = $mg.getmonitoringSecurereferences() | where{$ -match "WebApplication"}
$healthServices = dir -R | where {$_.UniquePathName -like "Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService*"}
$newActionAccount = $mg.GetMonitoringSecureData() | where {$_.UserName -eq $newActionAccountName -and $_.Type -eq "Windows" -and $ -notmatch "Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account"}

foreach($sr in $Srs)
$secureDataHSRefs = $mg.GetMonitoringSecureDataHealthServiceReferenceBySecureReferenceId($sr.Id)
foreach($secureDataHSRef in $secureDataHSRefs){
$healthService = $mg.GetMonitoringObject($secureDataHSRef.HealthServiceId)
$currentActionAccount = $mg.GetMonitoringSecureData($secureDataHSRef.MonitoringSecureDataId)
DisplayUpdate "Changing Action Account on $($sr.GetManagementpack().Displayname)" "yellow"
$secureDataHSRef.MonitoringSecureDataId = $newActionAccount.Id

Displayupdate "No NTLM mp's found..exiting.." "red"

DisplayUpdate "Script finished"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Comparing two folders.

I recently was backing up my data and the backup device had lots of space so i turned up copying folders from multiple directories to the disc. But now was at loss when it came to deleting data from my hard drive. So wrote this little script. Thanks to Ying lin for showing the contains operator in powershell.

#usage = .\Compare-Items-in-two-directories.ps1 -path1 "e:\to write\dataondisk" -path2 "f:\dataoncd"

param([String] $path1,$path2)

$Diskdir = @()

$CDdir = @()

Get-childitem -Path$path1-recurse | %{$Diskdir=$Diskdir+$}

$Diskdir.count Get-childitem -Path$path2-recurse | %{$CDdir=$CDdir+$} $CDdir.count

$arraymatch= @()

$arraynotmatch= @()

foreach ($Itemin$Diskdir)






else      {






Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to open Event log of remote computer using powershell

$Log = Get-Eventlog -name application -computername remotecomputer

If the following error is thrown.

Get-EventLog : The network path was not found.

Check if the remote registry service is started on the remote computer

Monday, February 13, 2012

Creating a library of scripts

I found this nice thread for invoking powershell scripts from another.

Since there is a script I keep calling for pulling the current data.

This came in useful. What I am doing is passing my other scripts a list of servers.

This list of servers keeps changing constantly and is updated into a SQL table. So every time I wanted a current list of servers I had to connect to SQL and pull the list manually

and present that to the script I wanted to run on that list.

So I found a good script which would allow me to query the table within power shell and pass that list to any other script.

I just add the following lines to the script I want to run on all the servers.

$ScriptDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. "$ScriptDir\Lib.ps1"

Where lib.ps1 is my script querying the database.


Access variables or data of one script from another.

First script stored at C:\Parag\Scripts\Powershell :

$a = @("asdf","123")
return $a

Second script:

$scriptdir = "C:\Parag\Scripts\Powershell"
$c = . $scriptdir\first.ps1